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Ask a question and I will cast a spread that will answer your question. The video recording will be about 20-30 minutes. Casting playing cards work best for insight into a certain situation or to help reveal hidden psychological or emotional blockages and how to resolve the issues. 


Example questions: What is it that I need to know at this moment? What are my true feelings about this situation or person? How do they feel about me? How can I be more open to receiving love/money? How can I move past feeling stuck in this situation? What is the lesson I need to learn from this? What do I need to do to move forward in life? What is blocking my creativity and how can I overcome it? How can I attract a career that aligns with my purpose?


Email me ( your question or complete the form on the "Book a Reading" page, along with any information about your situation that you would like to tell me. 


Terms & conditions:

Ask Anything (Cartomancy)

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