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This is a 75-minute Solar Return reading of the year ahead using astrology and the Cards of Truth system (cardology). This reading is suited for anyone who would generally like to know what to expect in the year ahead. Please purchase this reading on or around your birthday because that's when we get a new birth card chart and solar return chart for the year. On our birthdays, the Sun begins a new cycle. The Sun represents our inspirations and aspirations, so the birthday can be a good time to see what's in store for you the next year. Keep in mind, I don't use the sidereal system.


Also, using the Cards of Truth System, I’ll look at the card you're running for the year, the ecliptic card (which is the path you'll be on for the next year), along critical cards for the year.  Further, I'll analyze the critical transits and Rahu & Ketu predictions for the year ahead and planetary returns and planets maturing in your astrological chart, if applicable. 


I'll not only look at predictions but any spiritual/psychological lessons you'll be learning.


Please complete the form on the "Book a Reading" page or email me ( your birthdate, birth time, and location, along with three questions you may have. Also, please indicate your level of knowledge when it comes to astrology and cartomancy so I know how descriptive I should be with the cards and planets in the reading.


Terms & conditions:

Solar Return Astro/Card Reading

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