It’s the beginning of 2025 and many are creating decorative vision boards, writing elaborate goals, and discussing their hopeful plans for the New Year with their loved ones. People make promises to themselves that this is the year they’ll finally quit smoking or that they’ll join the gym and will no longer have ice cream for dessert. This is the year that they’ll certainly do great things. At the same time, no matter how positively affirming these promises are, not every year is the year we’re meant to do great things. Some years may be the ones where we learn lots of life lessons, where we’re meant to rest and relax, or where we experience loss.
What if I told you that creating resolutions for the New Year isn’t necessarily the best time to create goals for the year and that your birthday may be better? This is because, on our birthday, the Sun begins a new cycle. The Sun represents our inspirations and aspirations, so the day we’re born can be a good time to see what's in store for the next 365 days. By having a Solar Return reading, we can formulate goals that are aligned with the universe.
Using the Tajika (Persian Astrology) technique, a Varshaphala (Solar Return) chart is generated based on the position of the Sun in our natal chart, and when the Sun is at that exact degree in any given year, revealing the major events until our next birthday. By analyzing the Varshaphala chart, we can see which years will be the important years, the ones that will have life-changing events, and those that will not have much going on.
It’s great to predict events during your new solar age, but how do you feel about what’s taking place? Getting a divorce may not be a depressing time for everyone. For some, it means freedom and a new identity. Moving to a new city doesn’t always mean that you’ll be happy there. Varshaphala readings help us see how excited we are about something and how smoothly things are most likely going to be. Also, the chart can reveal if that event will most likely produce auspicious or inauspicious things.
What Techniques Are Used In a Varshaphala Reading
In a Varshaphala reading, I decode the important events that are being triggered astrologically by analyzing the Muntha (progressed ascendant), Muntha Lord, and Varsha Pati (Year Lord). The Muntha is essential because it analyzes the ascendant as it progresses through the chart each year, which is the main house of the individual and his/her path. In other words, each year, the Muntha moves forward one sign. The Muntha and the Muntha Lord (the planet that rules that sign) are important because they show how the person’s life will unfold that year. The Varsha Pati shows the planet that reflects the most important event that’s happening in any given year.
It’s not every year that we get married, graduate from college, have loved ones pass away, or have a baby. These major life events come every once in a while, but some may never experience them. To get a glimpse into what is most likely going to occur, we need to understand sahams which come from the Arabic word “share” or “part of”, such as “the part of fortune”. Many sahams exist, but the main ones that I use are success (raja), children (putra), marriage (vivaha), finances (artha), fame (yasha), disease (roga), and profession (karma). When these sahams are strongly activated, we can predict the specific event that will most likely occur that year. I use the Mudda Dasa (timing period) when predicting the sahams, which is linked to Parashara’s techniques.
Book a Solar Return Reading
You will need your exact birth time for this reading because the predictions are based on the houses in your natal chart. Keep in mind I don't use the sidereal system. I use the Tropical Vedic astrology system.
To book your Solar Return Reading, visit:
Greetings! I'm Gina, a California native who has voraciously studied astrology since 2018. I use Tropical Vedic Astrology and cartomancy as my main vehicles in my cosmic quest for profound spiritual understanding and healing.
I hold a B.A. in Psychology and an M.S. in Marriage & Family Therapy. With over fifteen years of counseling and teaching experience, I've always enjoyed listening to people's stories and helping them on their path.
The content on this page is to be treated as entertainment purposes only and should never replace professional advice. Her Cosmic Crown uses astrology and the cards as a tool to help with guidance, providing advice during readings. We will not be responsible for the decisions you make after a reading.